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Sakhalin Island


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Tour Itinerary

Day 1. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (lunch, dinner)
Arrival to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Transfer to the hotel, check-in after 14:00 (early check-in is possible with a surcharge of 50%).
14:30 – a welcome dinner in Sakhalin style. We will begin our journey with acquaintance with Sakhalin cuisine. At our lunch you will taste the famous hemultan soup, salads from Sakhalin wild plants (fern, burdock), seasonal fish dishes, and caviar sandwiches for tea. At lunch we will discuss the details of the trip and present you with the necessary attributes for a trip to Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. The weather in Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands changes very quickly and to make your trip comfortable, we have prepared raincoats and raincoats for your shoes. Your shoes and clothes will always stay dry, even in the most inclement weather.
City tour (3 hours). A tour of the local history museum will immerse you in the era of four reigns and introduce you to the main cultures of Sakhalin. Familiarization program for the city. We will show you the main attractions of the island capital: the Victory memorial complex, the Church of the Nativity of Christ, the observation deck of the Mountain Air Group of Companies, the Walk of Fame, etc.
End of the excursion, return to the hotel.

Day 2. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk – Iturup island – Baransky volcano (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
Transfer to the airport. Departure to Kurilsk (flight time ~ 1 hour).
In case of a late departure, in our free time we recommend visiting the museums of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk:
-Museum-memorial complex " Victory '';
-Museum of the book. A.P. Chekhov's " Sakhalin Island '';
-Historical Park " Russia – my story '';
-Sakhalin Regional Art Museum.
Arrival in Kurilsk (Iturup Island). A light snack.
By tradition, we begin our acquaintance with the island with the local history museum, where we are met by professionals who love their land and who know the history of Iturup Island.
Departure to Baransky Volcano (dulunch 5 hours)
Baransky volcano (height 1132 meters) – one of the most accessible active volcanoes of Iturup Island with hot lakes of unusual turquoise color, fumaroles, mineral streams and medicinal springs. We will climb the volcano, enjoy the beauty and relaxation in the thermal baths, taste eggs with caviar, boiled right in volcanic water, and drink delicious Kuril tea. Named in 1946 in honor of Professor N. N. Baransky. Many eruptions of Baransky have been recorded in history. The most memorable and last one was in 1951.
Today, at the foot of the volcano, we can observe picturesque volcanic landscapes: mud pots, fumaroles, hot lakes with acid of an unusual turquoise color, hot mineral streams, medicinal springs gush from the bowels of the earth.
The excursion ends with a visit to the volcano's thermal springs!
You can only swim in springs with a certain water temperature.
The excursion takes place by transport.
Transfer to the hotel. Accommodation at the hotel.
On this day, it is advisable to have bathing accessories, a towel, rubber slippers. The excursion takes place by car.

Day 3. Iturup Island – boat trip along the coast – Japanese old fish factory – excursion along the bay (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
Breakfast. Transfer to Olya Bay (Reidovo settlement). Boarding boats for sailing.
Boat trip along the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The picturesque coastline amazes with its diversity: steep cliffs with waterfalls, lush vegetation, trees hanging over the coast, rockfalls, calm bays. In the sea you will be watched by curious, friendly seals and accompanied by noisy seagulls.
Arrival in the Bay " Canning '', a former Japanese village and a canning factory, where there are still Japanese ovens for the production of canning products, the foundations of houses and a factory.
Going to the beach from White rocks . The length of the rocks is 28 km. They consist of porous volcanic glass and pumice, frozen as a result of a colossal eruption of a hot gas cloud. The sand of the beach consists of white quartz sand and black titanomagnetite sand. Due to the mixture of these two sands, an unusually beautiful gray-graphite sandy beach is formed.
The next bay of our excursion is – Parusnaya Bay . Deep in the bay, in a picturesque canyon, there is Maiden's Tears waterfall 10 m high.
Disembarkation and lunch in the area of ​​a beautiful lake on Iturup – Lake Sopochnoe . The individuality of the lake lies in its horseshoe shape and incredibly beautiful landscapes, stunning with their beauty in any weather.
Lunch on the seashore (iturup soup, tea with Kuril rosehip and herbs, smoked fish).
Return to the Olya Bay by sea, transfer to land transport.
After the boat trip, you will enjoy relaxation in the hot springs .
Return to the hotel.
Dinner at the cafe.

Day 4. Iturup Island – Kasatka bay – Japanese old airport – ghost village – Yankito plateau (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
Breakfast. Departure for an excursion towards the Pacific Ocean.
Kasatka Bay . First stop at Miami at an unusual art object in the form of abandoned military equipment, collected in one place. It is put in order and placed on a common site. In the center of the composition there is a stand with signs of the names of some cities and the distances to them.
The second stop is on the " mirror '' beach , similar to the endless sea mirror. A grounded fishing vessel – the most popular photo object among the guests of the island. We will definitely drive to Devil's Rock . At one time, the Japanese made tunnels in it for a through passage for military purposes, which have survived to this day. You will pass through the places of hostilities, you will see the site of the former " hospital '', the so-called laboratory where the Japanese worked on the development of bacteriological weapons. Weather permitting, those wishing to swim in the Pacific Ocean.
Light snack (tea, coffee, sandwiches with fish).
Directions to Burevestnik military airfield and military town – the village of Gornoe, which are located in the southern part of the Kasatka Bay. The first airfield on the shore of Kasatka Bay was built by the Japanese in the 40s of the 20th century. The Japanese carrier-based aviation was based here. According to the Potsdam Agreement, Iturup Island came under the jurisdiction of the USSR, since that time the airfield began to be used by Soviet aviation.
The military town in the village of Gornoye was one of the largest in Soviet times military towns throughout the Kuril ridge, and now many consider it a " ghost village ''; and we will reveal the secret of such a mysterious place.
Arrival in Kurilsk. Lunch at the cafe.
Excursion to the foot of the Bogdan Khmelnitsky volcano in Yankito, which is a plateau of frozen lava flows of bizarre shape. Beautiful landscapes from any vantage point. Bright, spectacular photos, unique impressions! Dear ladies, feel like a fashion model, take your favorite dress with you and have an amazing photo session among the frozen lava flows!
We will finish a busy day with rest in the thermal springs 'Baths' (Rybaki village).
Dinner in a cafe with halibut shashlik and karaoke.
On this day, it is advisable to have bathing accessories, a towel, in adverse weather conditions you may need a raincoat and raincoats for shoes.

Day 5. Iturup Island – Shikotan island (breakfast)
Free day from excursions.
Breakfast in the hotel cafe. Transfer to the port.
Boarding the ship.
Departure to about. Shikotan (travel time ~ 19 hours).

Day 6. Shikotan Island – Cape Worlds Edge – Cape Crab – Spanberg Lighthouse – Bezymyannaya bay (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
Arrival at the port of Malokurilskoye, about. Shikotan.
Transfer to the hotel. Check-in after the excursion.
Welcome breakfast and introduction to our team at Shikotan.
Departure to End of the World . The distance is about 24 km, there and back we cover by transport, the transition between the bays up to 4 km is planned on foot. Excursion dulunch 6 – 7 o'clock.
Perhaps the most popular place on Shikotan island is a rugged rocky outcropping extending far into the sea and breaking down with 40-meter walls. When you get here, the meaning of the name immediately becomes clear. Above, a breathtaking view of the vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean opens up, and one involuntarily thinks that you are really at the end of the earth!
At a distance of a little more than 1 km southeast of the legendary Cape End of the World, there is Cape Crab , which got its name due to the external similarity with the arthropod of the same name. On this cape in September 1943, the Spanberg Lighthouse was commissioned, named after the captain who discovered more than three dozen islands of the Kuril ridge in the 18th century, including Shikotan. It became the last lighthouse built by the Japanese on the Kuril Islands.
The lighthouse is closed to the public, but our company has the exclusive right for our tourists to visit the Spanberg lighthouse.
Camping lunch (dry lunchs).
Not far from the Cape 'End of the World' Bezymyannaya Bay is located. According to many eyewitnesses – the bay is the most beautiful natural place on the island due to the scattering of islets. It was there, in 1972, that the film " The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe '' was filmed; starring with Leonid Kuravlev. In the bay, you will see the most famous log that was chopped and & hellip; Robinson Crusoe did not finish.
Dinner at the hotel cafe.
On this day, it is advisable to have comfortable sneakers or trekking shoes, mosquito repellent, in adverse weather conditions you will need to take a raincoat and raincoats on your shoes.

Day 7. Shikotan Island – Tserkovnaya (Aivazovsky) bay – Mount Notoro – Mount Tomari (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
Breakfast in the hotel cafe.
Departure to Tserkovnaya Bay , mountains Notoro and Tomari . Walking there and back 18 km, walking time there 2.5 hours, back 3 hours. The route passes alternately with insignificant differences in the terrain, the dulunch of the pass is 150 m there, and back 1.2 km. (rise).
Tserkovnaya Bay (the official name is – Aivazovsky Bay ) impresses with its islets and bays. It is interesting for its history and nearby objects: larch forest, the site of a former Japanese settlement, the Notoro and Tomari mountains. In this bay there is a house built by the reserve inspectors. It is in Tserkovnaya Bay that you will meet the " red-haired owner '' – fox, she is always glad to her guests and will gladly accept gifts from you.
Camping lunch (dry lunchs).
Dinner in the hotel cafe.

Day 8. Shikotan Island – Snezhkov bay – Dimitrov Bay (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
Breakfast in the hotel cafe.
Departure to Snezhkov Bay. The route starts from the village of Krabozavodskoe. It is more difficult than Tserkovnaya Bay due to the hilly terrain. the distance there and back is 14-15 km. Travel time there ~ 2 – 2.40, back up to 3 hours.
The bay is beautiful with views along the road, stone-birch forest, open hilly landscape, islets of juniper thickets.
Camping lunch (dry lunchs).
Dimitrov Bay is also uniquely beautiful, like all the coast of the island. But it has its own history! When the Japanese lived on Shikotan, the bay was called " Inemosiri ''. It housed a farm of three Japanese fishing families involved in cod fishing and cod-drying. A Japanese cemetery has survived to this day, a trace of Japanese living in the bay. In Soviet times, in the 60s-80s, the bay was closed for our fellow citizens and a border zone was organized, where Japanese schooners could enter without going through customs formalities during storms on the roadstead or for minor repairs of the ship. To protect the borders from unauthorized crossing, the border point was equipped with stables, dogs, all-terrain vehicles.
Dinner at the hotel cafe.

Day 9. Shikotan Island – Mount Shikotan (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
Breakfast at the hotel cafe.
Excursion to Mount Shikotan. The route starts from the village of Malokurilskoe. We drive up to the foot of the mountain by car, then follow on foot. The total dulunch of the walking tour ~ 2 – 3 km
The highest mountain on Shikotan island – 412 meters. Located near the village of Malokurilskoe. At the time of Karafuto, a Japanese post of observation of the sea was located on the mountain, later, in the era of the USSR – military locators, now abandoned. Most of the island is visible from the mountain. In clear weather the islands of Kunashir and Iturup are visible. At the foot of the mountain, inspection of the fault – a crevice with ragged edges and a narrow entrance, which formed here in a matter of seconds twenty-six years ago during an earthquake in 1994, cutting through the slope of the hill. Lopina length – about 200 m, depth – up to 10-15 m. Width is about the same. At the bottom of the fault, there are established pillars of limestone, forming a fantastic landscape that attracts the eyes of many travelers.
Camping lunch (packed lunchs).
Dinner by the ocean: Shikotan fish soup, tasting of the sea urchin.

Day 10. Kunashir Island (breakfast, dinner)
Breakfast in the hotel cafe. Transfer to the seaport. Boarding the ship. Departure to Yuzhno-Kurilsk.
Arrival at the port of Yuzhno-Kurilsk, about. Kunashir.
Transfer to the hotel « Iceberg » . Accommodation in rooms with private facilities on the block.
Welcome dinner and meeting our team in Kunashir
Walking along the coast, sightseeing of the coast: kekkurs " Devil's finger '' raquo ;, " Devil's gate. ''

Day 11. Kunashir Island – Caldera of Golovnin volcano – Lake Boiling – Lake Hot (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
The route is medium difficulty, the dulunch of the excursion is 8-9 hours.
Breakfast. According to our tradition, we visit the local history museum of Yuzhno-Kurilsk.
Departure to the route by transport up to 43 km, then walk 8 km in one direction. Inspection of the Golovnin volcano caldera, Kipyashchee and Goryachee lakes. Swimming in Lake Hot, (swimming is prohibited in the Boiling Lake).
Golovnin Caldera (caldera is a cauldron-like depression with steep slopes and a flat bottom, formed as a result of the collapse of the top of the volcano). The diameter of the caldera along the ridge is more than four kilometers. You can imagine what force the explosion occurred here during the eruption of the volcano. Inside the caldera, at an altitude of 130 meters above sea level, there are two lakes: Boiling and Hot. Jets of hydrogen sulfide and sulfurous gases – solfatars, hot water emissions, thick steam and constantly changing water color create an impressive picture.
Camping lunch (dry lunchs).
Dinner at a cafe.
On this day, it is advisable to have comfortable sneakers or trekking shoes, mosquito repellent, bathing accessories, a towel, in adverse weather conditions do not forget to take a raincoat and raincoats on your shoes.

Day 12. Kunashir Island – ecological trail – springs Stolbovskiy – Cape Columnar (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
Breakfast in the hotel cafe.
Departure to the ecological trail and therapeutic thermal mud springs Stolbovskiye . Driving 15 km, then walking along a path with a downward slope of 1.5 km, swimming in the springs.
The flora of the island is rich and includes species spread from the subtropics to northern latitudes. White and stone birch trees, gray velvet tree trunks, mountain ash, Sakhalin fir with whitish trunks stand along the forest path with a dense hedge. On the slope upward, the blue needles of the ayan spruce glows. The gaze stops on the trunk with a red stripe drawn by a caring human hand. This is a warning: be careful – magnolia! High into the sunlight she raised branches with large leaves, at the time of flowering, the scent of her large white flowers fills everything around.
Cape Columnar – a unique place where the natural paving stones of the 'Red Square' replaced by views of stone pencils weighing 40 tons and deep-sea fiords. Bizarre rocks where you hear the sound of organ music, true thousand-year-old monuments & hellip; After all, it was they who were the first plots of land that emerged from the depths of the ocean, and survived almost in their original form until our era. (Walking along the seashore for about 40 minutes to Cape " Column '', " detour '' along the cliff above the sea of ​​cliffs, going ashore on the other side of the cape, then on foot along the seashore for about 40 minutes, boarding transport, returning to Yuzhno Kurilsk).
Camping lunch (dry lunchs).
Dinner of fresh Kuril delicacies on the ocean shore.
On this day, it is advisable to have comfortable sneakers or trekking shoes, rubber slippers for walking on a rocky bottom in water, mosquito repellent, bathing accessories, a towel, in case of bad weather do not forget to take a raincoat and raincoats on your shoes.

Day 13. Kunashir Island – Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (breakfast)
Breakfast. Airport transfer. Departure from Yuzhno-Kurilsk.
Arrival to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation.
Free time.

Day 14. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk – Cape Bird – Cape Giant – Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Southern part of Sakhalin Island) (breakfast, lunch)
Breakfast. Departure to Cape Velikan. Travel time 2.5 hours (135 km one way).
Cape Giant – a natural monument, one of the most beautiful and amazing Sakhalin sea coasts. Bizarre rocks, in the outlines of which someone sees a lion emerging from the sea, someone is a mysterious castle, and someone is the head of a giant hero who dozed off at the water's edge, rise along the entire coast from Cape Bird to Cape Giant. Stone arches, created by the greatest architect – By nature. On the tops of rocks and arches, screaming gulls scurry about, cormorants proudly sit and swifts scurry. Spruce and fir forests stretch along a narrow strip of sandy beach on the sea terrace, where fir trees carefully hide from the cold sea wind, " turning '' to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk with his " back ''. And here you can also observe one of the most amazing natural phenomena – spawning run of Pacific salmon, namely pink salmon if your trip falls between July and August.
Hot Sakhalin-style lunch on the seashore (Sakhalin-style fish soup, seafood, Sakhalin tea with herbs and berries).
Departure to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Arrival in the city.
On this day you will need comfortable sneakers or trekking shoes, in adverse weather conditions a waterproof jacket, boots.

Day 15. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (breakfast)
Breakfast. Check-out from the hotel before 12:00 (late check-out is possible with a surcharge of 50%).
Transfer to the airport with the ability to call (by prior arrangement) to the fish market.


Itinerary: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk–Iturup island–Baransky volcano–Iturup Island–boat trip along the coast–Japanese old fish factory–excursion along the bay–Kasatka bay–Japanese old airport–ghost village–Yankito plateau–Shikotan island–Shikotan Island–Cape Worlds Edge–Cape Crab–Spanberg Lighthouse–Bezymyannaya bay–Tserkovnaya (Aivazovsky) bay–Mount Notoro–Mount Tomari–Snezhkov bay–Dimitrov Bay–Mount Shikotan–Kunashir Island–Caldera of Golovnin volcano–Lake Boiling–Lake Hot–ecological trail–springs Stolbovskiy–Cape Columnar–Cape Bird–Cape Giant–Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Southern part of Sakhalin Island)–Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

Days: 15 days / 14 nights

Group: от 1 pax

Accommodation: 2, 3 or 4

Visa: citizens of 58 states that hold all types of passports are eligible for visa-free entrance to Russia for a period up to 14 days (you can see the list on the official website), citizens of the 52 countries will be able to obtain a single e-visa of up to 16 days (you can see the list on the official website)

Children: Tour restrictions by age:
– with parents – from 09 years old and older;
– without parents – from 18 years old.

Required Physical or Special Preparation: No special training required, but good physical condition is desirable. Daily mileage: no more than 8 km. (up to 20 km on Shikotan Island)

Features of the route: all routes of medium difficulty, you cannot deviate from the route yourself, do not touch unfamiliar plants with your hands without the permission of the guide (the plant is dangerous. ), you should have bathing accessories with you, since in good weather it is possible to receive water procedures in the sea, lake, river, springs.

Luggage transportation (personal and public equipment): Escort teams are responsible for public equipment.

Other: The tour program may be changed due to weather conditions, the level of training of participants, other factors beyond the control of the Tour Operator. The decision to change the route is made by the guide / instructor on the spot, with the notification of the tour participants.
In case of free time due to a change in the schedule of the ship and flights between Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, which are not included in the excursion program, are available for an additional fee.
Please inform us at the time of booking about any chronic diseases or contraindications to participating in a trip with physical activity and overnight stays in the field.
The routes pass through sparsely populated and uninhabited territories, devoid of the benefits of civilization, so you must be ready for travel and not be afraid of hiking conditions and adversity of the weather. It is not recommended to travel on active routes for persons requiring constant medical supervision.

Kuril Islands – one of the most inaccessible places in Russia. They are lost in the Pacific Ocean in the Russian Far East. It's not easy to get here: a long and expensive flight to Sakhalin, flights or nights on a motor ship to the islands themselves. The traveler who has not spared money and time will discover truly fantastic landscapes: volcanoes and hot springs, ships washed ashore and abandoned armored vehicles, monuments – traces of the presence of the Japanese, low trees and tall, human-sized grass. Get ready for the seafood tasting on the menu. Shrimp, crab, scallop and salmon – everything is truly fresh, everything is prepared according to their own local recipes.


Available departure dates in 2024: нет

Available departure dates in 2025: Jan 01 – Dec 14 


The price of the tour per pax (without airfare), USD:
½DBL (double accommodation)3,7203,7503,810
SNGL (single accommodation)4,0904,1504,240

Special payment schedule: 5% – at booking, 95% – 60 days prior to arrival

Payment schedule: 5% – at booking, 95% – 15 or 30 days prior to arrival.

Payment methods:
- bank transfer in USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, AED, ILS, DKK etc.
- credit/debit card online on our website

Fees include

- guided tours

- transfers

- airfare and ferries between the islands

- accommodation in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in a selected hotel:
hotel « Yunost » 2 (breakfast is not included)
hotel « Lotus » 3 (breakfast is not included)
hotel « Protein » 3
hotel « Gagarin » 3
hotel « Anniversary » 3
hotel « Santa » 4
hotel « Pacific Plaza » 4
hotel « Mega Palace » 4

- hotel accommodation « Iturup » on Iturup Island, double rooms with private facilities, with one or two beds

- hotel accommodation « Iceberg » on Kunashir Island, single or double rooms with amenities per block, twin beds for double occupancy

- hotel accommodation « Iturup » on Iturup Island, double rooms with private facilities, with one or two beds

- hotel accommodation « Iceberg » on Kunashir Island, single or double rooms with facilities per block, twin beds for double occupancy

- hotel accommodation « Sofia » on Shikotan Island, double rooms with private facilities, with two beds

- food according to the program

- transport service on routes

- accompaniment by professional instructors on all routes

- registration of the border pass for Iturup Island and Kunashir Island

- accident insurance

- necessary permits to visit specially protected natural areas

- the language of excursions is Russian but the guides speak English.

Fees exclude

- airfare to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk city and return

- meals on the ship, drinking water, cards are not accepted, only cash payment (à la carte)

- personal spending

- early check-in or late check-out in hotels

- hotel accommodation in case of delay or cancellation of the sailing of the ship or the departure of the plane

- expenses for the exchange of air tickets from the place of residence to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and back in the event of a change in the schedule of the ship or plane

- not included in the program or indicated as additional excursions

- personal English/Spanish guide: 200 USD per required day.

Travel tips

Sports and adventure tourism along the routes of the Sakhalin Region involves physical activity, and a number of directions (for example, climbing a volcano) require good physical shape, as well as the right clothes, shoes and a number of others things listed below.

We also recommend getting vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis!

List of required items

Headgear (lightweight headgear to protect from the sun)
Sports sandals (comfortable sports sandals that fit firmly on the foot, in which you can comfortably walk on water and rocks)
Sneakers (trekking, with a thick grooved sole, preferably with a water-repellent impregnation + changeable dry shoes)
Towel (a small tourist towel for different needs)
Sunscreen (with SPF) at least 30 units)
Photo equipment
Backpack (a small backpack for day trips (hands must be free!) For carrying water, photography equipment, bathing suit, etc.)
Warm clothing (jacket, sweater, etc.) warm clothing)
Jacket (comfortable wind and waterproof jacket)
Swimwear (swimwear and swimming trunks for men)
Mosquito repellent
Gloves (cotton gloves to protect hands from fine work)
Long-sleeved shirt or jacket (light long-sleeved outerwear is required ima for climbing Mendeleev volcano, so as not to cut yourself on bamboo and, at the same time, not suffer in hot weather)
First aid kit (tourist first aid kit with first aid and personal hygiene)
Fishing tackle (for avid fishermen if you want to have your own fishing tackle)

The program was drawn up taking into account the published timetable for the movement between the islands of the Sakhalin region of the motor ship "I. Farkhutdinov". This type of transportation is subsidized and is used in priority for residents of the Kuril Islands. The current schedule may be further changed by the Ministry of Transport of the Sakhalin Region in order to improve the quality of life of the residents of the Kuril Islands. Please take this information into account when making a tour and buying air tickets to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: order air tickets at tariffs that provide for the possibility of exchangingat flight! The company does not compensate for the costs of exchanging air tickets on passenger routes from the mainland of the Russian Federation to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and back in the event of a change in the schedule of the ship.

Documents are required to issue a pass to the Kuril Islands :

- a copy of the passport of the Russian Federation with registration (adult) for citizens of the Russian Federation;

- children under 14 years old (copy of birth certificate);

- a copy of a passport and a copy of a visa to the Russian Federation for foreign citizens.

Tourist Information:

Mobile phone number (required!)

Deadline for submission of documents for registration of the pass:

- for Russian citizens no later than 15 days before arrival.
- for foreign citizens no later than 30 days before arrival.




