Have you decided to buy a tour to Sakhalin? In order for the upcoming tour to Sakhalin to bring positive emotions, new knowledge and vivid impressions, we recommend that tourists who go on a tour to Sakhalin not only choose the sights they want for sightseeing, but also decide on the level of comfort of living and the complexity of the route.
Kuril Islands - one of the most beautiful places in Eastern Russia. Nature Kuriles inimitable different contrasts, here you can find waterfalls, volcanoes, mountain rivers and lagoons of the lake. To reach the most remote region of Russia - is no easy task: first, you will find a long flight to Sakhalin, then a sea voyage on a ship, but, believe me, to see this unique phenomenon of nature, all the burdens associated with a long flight, just go on the tenth plan. All our routes around the island of Kunashir comfortable enough, do not require special physical training and opportunities tailored to the average person. We offer accommodation from Sakhalin - Kuril Islands in hotels of different star You will enjoy delicious food with seafood specialties. Sami hiking - simple, to the starting point of trekking you will deliver off-road vehicles. A significant advantage of our tours to the Kuril Islands, which are often poor weather, winds and rains - the ability to take a hot shower and sleep under a natural roof!